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  • sarahmannyeager

Gratitude with Hat'itude!

This video, courtesy of our lovely Ruth Genn, has been sent to her from some of the soldiers who appreciate the love, care and support knitted into every stitch of your beanies. These particular hats were made by Israeli knitters in the first few days of the current conflict. Our beanies will provide a hug in a hat to members of the IDF on active service and to whom we owe a debt of gratitude. It is cold in the North, in the Golan Heights and also in the desert at night. The tanks are not heated or air conditioned and are very cold when the sun sets and can be like a furnace during the Summer. Your act of Chesed - loving kindness is allowing these brave young men and women to keep warm and do their duty and it is YOUR knitting and yarn fund donations are making this happen. Every one of you that has contributed in any way should be very proud. Thank you Sarah x

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